DC Abortion Fund Denounces Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Confirmation

Today, the Senate voted to confirm anti-abortion extremist Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States. We’re incredibly disappointed and disgusted. But we’re not done fighting. We will continue fighting to expand access to abortion services in the DC area -- access that Amy Coney Barrett’s appointment directly threatens.As a brief recap, Amy Coney Barrett has suggested that abortion is “always immoral” and has publicly voiced opposition to Roe v. Wade in her personal life. And as a judge on the Seventh Circuit, Coney Barrett argued to uphold two separate, restrictive anti-abortion laws. People across the country already face a number of daunting hurdles to abortion access -- including mandatory waiting periods, restricted insurance coverage, and physician refusal of service. Confirming an anti-abortion extremist like Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court will all but ensure that even more abortion restrictions are proposed and upheld across the country.Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation also poses a massive threat to the Affordable Care Act and the 8.3 million Americans who depend on it for health insurance coverage. Coney Barrett has criticized Chief Justice Roberts’ decision to uphold key parts of the Affordable Care Act and in 2012, she petitioned against the ACA’s requirement that employers cover contraception, saying the mandate was a “a grave violation of religious freedom and cannot stand." We’ve already seen more people traveling to the DC area for abortion care because of increased restrictions in their state (many are already living in a post-Roe world), and we only expect the demand to grow, especially with Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court. But no matter what happens after she joins the bench, we will always be committed to working together with you — our community of supporters — to make abortion accessible. Please join us with a monthly gift today to continue to support our work in 2020 and beyond.


We have a new president and many feelings!


DC Abortion Fund Condemns Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Nomination