DC Abortion Fund Condemns Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Nomination

In the middle of a global pandemic and with just weeks to go before the 2020 election, President Trump has nominated Amy Coney Barrett, an anti-abortion extremist, to fill Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Supreme Court seat.Amy Coney Barrett is staunchly anti-abortion and has suggested  that abortion is “always immoral.” As a judge on the Seventh Circuit, she repeatedly sided with hostile states in defending restrictive and medically unnecessary abortion laws. Although abortion is already out of reach for many people, the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett would all but guarantee further restrictions in abortion access. If she is confirmed, anti-abortion extremists will get much closer to their goal of overturning Roe v. Wade or rendering its protections meaningless for people seeking abortion care across the country.Amy Coney Barrett has also opposed efforts to ensure equitable access to contraception. In fact, she signed a letter criticizing the Affordable Care Act’s contraception coverage mandate and the Obama administration’s accommodations for religious entities.As the SCOTUS prepares to rule on the legality of the ACA, her confirmation will put the future of the Affordable Care Act at risk. Amy Coney Barrett has critiqued Justice Roberts' decision upholding key parts of the Affordable Care Act. If confirmed, she is likely to be on the bench for the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act, which is scheduled to be heard this November, just days after the election.Even more troubling, Amy Coney Barrett also holds dangerous views on LGBTQ equality. She has defended the dissenters in Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark Supreme Court ruling which made marriage equality the law of the land -- and has suggested that Title IX rights afforded to trans people be reviewed.But this fight is not just about Amy Coney Barrett -- Trump has packed the nation’s federal courts with more than 200 judges in lifetime positions, including Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, and many others with records of hostility to reproductive rights and abortion access. Here’s three things you can do right now to fight back:

  1. Donate to DC Abortion Fund! Abortion funds like ours are going to need your dollars more than ever if Barrett is confirmed. We know that overturning Roe v. Wade or limiting access to abortion — especially coupled with limiting access to birth control — is not going to end abortion. In fact, we anticipate that the need will only grow.

  2. Call Congress. Yes, even if you’re a DC voter, you can call and explain why she is a bad pick -- along with the hypocrisy of confirming a new Supreme Court justice less than 40 days before the election.

  3. Invite a friend to take action. Invite them to call their Senators (especially if they’re in a key state!) and donate to DCAF or an abortion fund in their state.


DC Abortion Fund Denounces Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS Confirmation


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