2020: When mutual aid became more critical than ever

You’ve heard us repeating this reality for the past few months: Many of our callers are struggling just as much — if not more — as they were at the beginning of the pandemic.In January and February, we pledged just over $100,000 each month to help people in our community afford their abortion procedures. That’s more than twice what we usually pledge each month and half our annual pledge budget in just three months -- and we’re expecting the trend to continue when we close the books on March.Pulling together our annual report for FY2020 (which covers July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020), we recognize that this increased demand had started before the pandemic began -- but it has only continued to grow exponentially as the pandemic has stretched on. Your support made a direct impact in meeting the needs of patients over the past fiscal year when mutual aid became more critical than ever, and we’re so grateful for your continued support as the need continues.No matter what the world throws at us, our lines stay open, and that wouldn't be possible without your support. Thank you so much.


2021: A Transformative Year for DCAF


We have a new president and many feelings!